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reflect your design vision

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reflect your vision

Installing an illuminated mirror is an easy way to add a touch of class to your bathroom without much effort and a need for a major renovation. Eumar has an incredible selection of contemporary mirrors in different shapes and sizes.

our LED mirrors exemplify the stylish simplicity that forms the basis of eumar’s design aesthetic.

Eumar adds colorful mirror frames to reflect light and help bathrooms feel more expansive than they are and add wow factor.

The Tondo and Tango mirror collections complement the Eumar range of bathroom products. Their gorgeous frames are certain to satisfy the most discerning of clients.

The rectangular shape with rounded edges and perfect illumination adds a very important detail and creates a WOW effect in your bathroom.
Tango is available in 3 sizes- 400*700mm; 500*1000mm and 600*1000mm.

Tondo mirrors are available in three sizes: diameters of 500, 600 and 800mm. The circular shape and perfect illumination create that wow factor in every bathroom.

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Uno, Due, Ambi Due and Ambi Quadro are available in standard sizes for immediate delivery.

For project starting already from 10 pcs available also in custom sizes.

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design your own!

project mirrors starting from 10 pcs only!

Reflect your vision with Eumar’s custom illuminated wall mirrors. From custom sizes and shapes to decorative edges and beveling, these illuminated mirrors have been designed to perfectly complement your space. 

Equip your mirrors with experience enhancers, such as subtle night light and wall glow, dimmable lighting, color tuning, defogging, USB charging ports, and motion sensors.

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optional mirror min

colour temperature scale

All lights min 1

Decorative mirrors make really big statement in the bathrooms, but also in the staterooms. This is why our expertise in bespoke LED mirrors for bathrooms move us into stateroom. Versatile of our materials and flexibility of our technology gives us the courage to work with the most challenging and complicated projects at any edge of the world!

design your own!

project mirrors starting from 10 pcs only!

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